You can read more about Wynncraft's rules here.
You can read more about Wynncraft's rules here.
If you are asked not to play a song/artist and continue to play it you will be banned from using the music channel.
If these rules are broken you will be sent a message notifying you, continuation of breaking the rules will result in a ban from channels or the Discord.
If you need any help what so ever feel free to contact a moderator by tagging us @Moderator or by sending one of us a PM.
These rules are subject to change if change is needed. If you want to report someone for breaking these rules please provide Screenshot evidence and make a report here.
If a moderator is not following this code of conduct please report them to one of the Mod Managers. This report should come with evidence (your word is not enough, we're afraid) of said moderator breaking the rules. However, if you are seen to be “baiting” a moderator to get them wound up to make them say something offensive, you may find yourself in just as much trouble.
No moderator is above the rules.